Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sony takes on Wii with PlayStation Move

Sony has unveiled its new motion-controlled video game system, pitching it to both casual and hardcore gamers alike, as the company looks to ride one of the hottest trends in gaming.

The new system will help Sony keep pace with rivals Nintendo, which pioneered gesture-based gaming, and Microsoft, which is launching its system later this year.

Sony's new PlayStation "Move" controller is used with its Eye gaming web-cam, translating users' motions into actions within games on the PlayStation 3 (PS3) console.

Move, which resembles a TV remote with a colorful ball stuck on the end, will be available in Australia as part of a package this Spring for less than $US100, Sony said at a media event on Wednesday.

The company said 36 third-party developers and publishers are supporting the Move platform. In fiscal 2010, Sony will release more than 20 games that are dedicated to or supported by the system.

Jack Tretton, chief executive of Sony Computer Entertainment of America, said in an interview that motion control expands the market opportunity for the PS3 to new consumers, and said the company hopes to siphon off some Wii users.

Sony said Move is especially precise, with every twitch and punch registering accurately in games ranging from casual titles for kids to fighting and swashbuckling swordplay games.

Sony said the accuracy of its motion-based gaming means it will also appeal to more hard-core gamers, generally younger men, who are the backbone of the $US50 billion gaming industry.


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